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How to Play Mobile Games on PC with BlueStacks 5 Nougat 64 bit - Download and Setup Guide

Writer's picture: dalegdentflampepardalegdentflampepar

Bluestacks 5 64-bit Download: How to Play Android Games on PC

Do you love playing Android games but wish you could enjoy them on a bigger screen and with better controls? If yes, then you should try Bluestacks 5, the latest and most advanced version of the popular Android emulator for PC. In this article, we will show you how to download and install Bluestacks 5 64-bit on your Windows PC and how to play your favorite Android games with ease.

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What is Bluestacks 5?

Bluestacks is a software that allows you to run Android apps and games on your PC. It creates a virtual environment that mimics an Android device, so you can access the Google Play Store, install apps, and use them as if you were using a smartphone or tablet. Bluestacks is compatible with Windows and Mac operating systems, and supports various Android versions.

Bluestacks 5 is the newest and most powerful version of Bluestacks, which was released in February 2021. It is designed to offer the best gaming experience for PC users, with improved performance, stability, compatibility, and features. Bluestacks 5 claims to be the fastest and lightest Android app player for PC, with up to 50% faster setup time, up to 50% less RAM usage, and up to 97% less GPU usage than other platforms. It also boasts of having the largest game library, with over 2 million games available.

Features and benefits of Bluestacks 5

Some of the features and benefits of Bluestacks 5 are:

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  • It supports multiple instances, which means you can run multiple games or apps simultaneously on different windows. You can also enable Eco Mode to reduce CPU and GPU usage by up to 87% and 97%, respectively.

  • It has a consistent FPS (frames per second) feature, which allows you to set the FPS you want for each game. This ensures smooth gameplay without any lag or stutter.

  • It has a smart controls feature, which automatically detects the game genre and optimizes the keyboard and mouse controls accordingly. You can also customize the controls as per your liking.

  • It has a game center feature, which lets you discover new and popular games from various categories. You can also access exclusive titles that are not available on other platforms.

  • It has a data security feature, which protects your personal information and privacy from any third-party access. You can also sync your data across devices using your Google account.

System requirements for Bluestacks 5

To run Bluestacks 5 on your PC, you need to meet the following minimum system requirements:

  • Operating system: Microsoft Windows 7 or above

  • Processor: Intel or AMD processor

  • RAM: At least 4GB of RAM

  • HDD: At least 5GB of free disk space

  • You must be an administrator on your PC

  • You must have up-to-date graphics drivers from Microsoft or the chipset vendor

</ How to download and install Bluestacks 5 64-bit on Windows

Downloading and installing Bluestacks 5 64-bit on your Windows PC is very easy and fast. Just follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Visit the official website of Bluestacks

The first thing you need to do is to visit the official website of Bluestacks, which is . Here, you will find all the information and resources you need to get started with Bluestacks 5.

Step 2: Choose the version of Bluestacks 5 that suits your needs

On the website, you will see two options for downloading Bluestacks 5: the 32-bit version and the 64-bit version. The 64-bit version is recommended for users who have a 64-bit operating system and want to enjoy the full benefits of Bluestacks 5. The 32-bit version is suitable for users who have a 32-bit operating system or have low-end PC specifications.

To check which version of Windows you have, you can go to Settings > System > About and look for the System type. If you see "64-bit operating system", then you can download the 64-bit version of Bluestacks 5. If you see "32-bit operating system", then you can download the 32-bit version of Bluestacks 5.

Once you have decided which version of Bluestacks 5 you want to download, click on the corresponding button on the website and wait for the download to start.

Step 3: Download the .exe file and run it as administrator

After clicking on the download button, you will see a pop-up window asking you to save the .exe file. Choose a location where you want to save the file and click on Save. The file size is about 1 GB, so it may take some time depending on your internet speed.

Once the download is complete, locate the .exe file and double-click on it. You may see a User Account Control prompt asking you to allow the app to make changes to your device. Click on Yes to proceed. Alternatively, you can right-click on the .exe file and choose Run as administrator.

Step 4: Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the setup

After running the .exe file, you will see a welcome screen with the Bluestacks logo and a progress bar. Wait for a few minutes while Bluestacks extracts and installs the necessary files on your PC.

Next, you will see a screen with some options to customize your installation. You can choose where to install Bluestacks on your PC, whether to create shortcuts on your desktop and start menu, and whether to enable app notifications. You can also change these settings later in the preferences menu.

Once you have made your choices, click on Install Now and wait for Bluestacks to finish the installation process. This may take another few minutes depending on your PC specifications.

Step 5: Sign in with your Google account or create a new one

When the installation is done, you will see a screen asking you to sign in with your Google account. This is necessary if you want to access the Google Play Store and sync your data across devices. You can use your existing Google account or create a new one if you don't have one.

To sign in with your Google account, enter your email address and password and click on Next. You may need to verify your identity by entering a code sent to your phone or email. You may also need to agree to some terms and conditions before proceeding.

To create a new Google account, click on Create account and follow the instructions on the screen. You will need to provide some basic information such as your name, birthday, gender, phone number, and email address. You will also need to create a password and agree to some terms and conditions before proceeding.

After signing in or creating your Google account, you are ready to use Bluestacks 5 on your PC.

How to play Android games on Bluestacks 5

Now that you have downloaded and installed Bluestacks 5 on your PC, you can start playing Android games with ease. Here are the steps you need to follow:

Step 1: Open Bluestacks 5 and search for the game you want to play

To open Bluestacks 5, double-click on the shortcut icon on your desktop or start menu. You will see a home screen with various tabs and icons. You can navigate through them using your mouse or keyboard.

To search for the game you want to play, you can use the search bar on the top right corner of the home screen. You can type the name of the game or a keyword related to it and hit Enter. You will see a list of results from the Google Play Store and other sources. You can also browse through the game center tab to find games from various categories and genres.

Step 2: Install the game from Google Play Store or APK file

To install the game from the Google Play Store, you need to click on the game icon from the search results or the game center tab. You will see a page with the game details, screenshots, reviews, and ratings. You can also watch a video trailer of the game if available. To install the game, click on the green Install button and wait for the download and installation to complete.

To install the game from an APK file, you need to have the APK file of the game on your PC. You can download it from a trusted website or transfer it from your Android device using a USB cable or cloud storage. To install the game, you need to drag and drop the APK file onto the Bluestacks home screen or use the Install APK button on the bottom right corner of the home screen. You will see a pop-up window asking you to confirm the installation. Click on Install and wait for the installation to complete.

Step 3: Customize the settings and controls according to your preference

To customize the settings and controls of the game, you need to click on the gear icon on the top right corner of the Bluestacks home screen. You will see a menu with various options such as Preferences, Display, Engine, Game settings, Keyboard controls, Game guide, and Help center.

To customize the preferences, you can choose your language, theme, notifications, location, data backup, and account settings.

To customize the display, you can choose your resolution, orientation, DPI, and fullscreen mode.

To customize the engine, you can choose your graphics mode, performance mode, memory allocation, CPU cores allocation, FPS setting, and device profile.

To customize the game settings, you can choose your in-game resolution, graphics quality, sound quality, and network speed.

To customize the keyboard controls, you can use the smart controls feature or create your own custom key mapping for each game. You can also use predefined key mapping templates for popular games.

To access the game guide, you can find useful tips and tricks for playing various games on Bluestacks 5.

To access the help center, you can find answers to frequently asked questions, troubleshoot issues, report bugs, and contact customer support.

Step 4: Enjoy the game on your PC with high performance and stability

Once you have installed and customized the game, you can start playing it on your PC with high performance and stability. You can use your mouse and keyboard to control the game or connect a gamepad or joystick if supported by the game. You can also use other features of Bluestacks 5 such as screenshot capture, video recording, streaming mode, chat mode, macro recorder, farm mode, multi-instance sync, and more to enhance your gaming experience.


Bluestacks 5 is a great way to play Android games on your PC with ease and convenience. It offers many features and benefits that make it stand out from other Android emulators. It is fast, light, stable, compatible, and feature-rich. It is easy to download and install on your PC, and it allows you to play millions of games with customized settings and controls. If you are looking for a way to enjoy Android gaming on your PC, you should definitely give Bluestacks 5 a try.

Here are some FAQs that you may have about Bluestacks 5:

Q: Is Bluestacks 5 free to use?

A: Yes, Bluestacks 5 is free to use for personal and non-commercial purposes. However, it may display some ads or promotions from time to time. You can also upgrade to the premium subscription plan to enjoy ad-free gaming, priority support, and exclusive offers.

Q: Is Bluestacks 5 safe and secure?

A: Yes, Bluestacks 5 is safe and secure to use. It does not contain any malware, spyware, or viruses. It also protects your data and privacy from any third-party access. You can trust Bluestacks 5 as it is used by over 500 million users worldwide.

Q: Does Bluestacks 5 support all Android games and apps?

A: Bluestacks 5 supports most of the Android games and apps available on the Google Play Store and other sources. However, some games and apps may not be compatible or may have some issues due to various factors such as device specifications, game updates, or regional restrictions. You can check the compatibility of a game or app on the Bluestacks website or contact the customer support for assistance.

Q: How can I update Bluestacks 5 to the latest version?

A: Bluestacks 5 will automatically notify you when there is a new version available for download. You can also check for updates manually by clicking on the menu icon on the top right corner of the home screen and choosing Check for updates. You can then download and install the latest version of Bluestacks 5 on your PC.

Q: How can I uninstall Bluestacks 5 from my PC?

A: To uninstall Bluestacks 5 from your PC, you need to go to Control Panel > Programs > Uninstall a program and select Bluestacks from the list. You can then follow the instructions on the screen to remove Bluestacks 5 from your PC. You can also use the uninstaller tool provided by Bluestacks on their website. 44f88ac181


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